After discovering HIV treatment drugs in his wife's bag, Joseph Banda of Petauke's Mumbi village was determined to end his marriage.
"...I thought about divorcing my wife because I felt betrayed. But DAPP TCE [Total Control of the HIV/ TB Epidemics] Field Officers counselled and showed us the HIV prevention and care options that are available to us as a couple," recalls Joseph while adding about his wife; "...nimukonda ngako kuchoka pansi pamutima [I love her from the bottom of my heart]."
Joseph is now taking PrEP for HIV prevention. Lauzi Zulu, on the other hand no longer hides her treatment from her loved ones, which has improved her treatment adherence to achieve viral load suppression.
"My husband and my mother are members of my trio. They support me on my treatment," she disclosed while adding; "...we welcomed our son, and because I adhered to treatment and delivered at the health facility, our son is HIV negative."
DAPP Zambia, with support from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, CDC is carrying out the TCE project in over 1,373 health facilities in all districts of Southern, Lusaka, Eastern and Western provinces of Zambia to contribute towards global efforts to achieve HIV/ TB epidemic control by 2030.