Agriculture and Climate Change

Small holder farmers are integral to solving the world’s environmental and social crisis, a vital driving force towards environmentally sustainable and socially fair agriculture systems. When conditions allow for them to earn a living, they stay on the land, and they protect it. The land is the foundation for their livelihoods and their culture.


We must address the global emergency caused by global warming and climate change with ambition and urgency. DAPP in Zambia works with thousands of small holder farmers to increase their resilience to climatic shocks, hazards and to increase use of sustainable farming methods thereby reducing CO2 emission. We work with smallholder farmers to...
The Young Farmers’ Clubs is a DAPP innovation established in 2016 to target and motivate young people to venture into agriculture so that they can be self-reliant. The model is designed to spark young peoples’ interest and passion in agriculture by creating groups of young people who will learn together, share experiences and grow together with...
Smallholder farmers are potential engines for economic growth – they are key to building sustainable food systems, advancing food security and achieving Zero Hunger. FtMA has adopted a demand-led approach that puts empowerment of farmers at the heart of its work. This is achieved by building a network of self-sustaining Farmer Service Centre’s (FSCs)...
DAPP Zambia implemented the Integrated Nutrition and Smallholder Farmer Support project aimed at reducing malnutrition, stunted growth and to increase food security as well as improve resilience against the effects of climate change between 2019 and 2022. The project integrated agriculture and nutrition activities such as promoting diversified...

Health and Fight against HIV/AIDS

Our health project builds on the active participation of the people themselves in their communities. This includes people taking charge over their own health and it involves thousands of volunteers providing services in their communities.


With the motto of ‘only the people can liberate themselves from the epidemics,’ The Total Control of the Epidemic (TCE) programme implements works in close cooperation with the Ministry of Health in providing HIV/TB screening, testing, and retention in treatment to end new HIV and TB infections by 2030. Our TCE field officers; Find the people,...
The Total Control of Tuberculosis (TC-TB), has the objective to find the missing children with Tuberculosis and increase uptake of preventive treatment, improve diagnosis, improve uptake of TB treatment and ensure completion. This is in efforts to end TB as a public health challenge by 2030. Each year, children with TB are missed by national health...
The Child Aid Mumena Project in Kalumbila District of North Western Province in 2021 integrated WASH activities in the project reaching 1,574 families organized in 60 Action Groups. WASH interventions included mobilizing the families to have hand washing facilities, quality latrines and to maintain community water points. Area Pump Menders were...
The Towards Malaria Elimination project supports 24 health facilities in three districts in North Western Province where malaria is rampant. The project focuses on community systems strengthening through community engagement activities, social behavior change communication as well as testing and treating for malaria. Working in Kalumbila,...
DAPP implements the Hope Youth HIV Prevention project through eight sub-sub grantees in nine (9) districts across five provinces in Zambia. The main focus of the project is to improve the sexual and reproductive health of young people, reduce gender-based violence, and provide integrated outreach health services for adolescents. The core causes...
Under the TCE program, a group of 128 Community Health Workers in Lusaka District and five districts in Southern Province were trained to provide COVID-19 Home Based Care. The Community Health Workers visited COVID-19 infected people daily to monitor their fever, oxygen levels and general health. This community program was for all those infected...
Sexual and Reproductive Health for All Initiative (SARAI) was a five year project implemented in the three provinces of Zambia namely, Luapula, Muchinga and Copperbelt. The goal of the project was to increase modern contraceptive prevalence rate by 2% annually through increased and improved quality of family planning and sexual and reproductive...

Community Development

Our Community Development Projects build on the people’s ability to face challenges and move forward together.

Community groups such as Action Groups, Youth Groups, and Savings Groups are key for achieving change.


The Child Aid Mumena project emphasizes on a community-based perspective, which seeks to empower individuals, families and communities to make positive changes in their own lives. Child Aid in Mumena, Kalumbile Distrit of North Western Province worked in 2021 with 1574 families organized in 60 Village Action Groups. The project works by following the...
DAPP Zambia implements the “Incarcerated Populations Rights to a Productive Future is their Human Right” project in six adult Correctional Facilities in Muchinga, Luapula and Central Provinces, and in three juvenile institutions in Southern and Copperbelt Provinces. The project works on strengthening community and government response systems for...
The DAPP Child Aid Western Province Project, started in Mongu District in October 2020. One year later—in Octover 2021 it started the expansion of its operation to Sesheke, Kaoma and Senanga Districts. The project aims at improving the health, welfare and living conditions of vulnerable children and adolescents infected with or affected by HIV...
"Changing lives of vulnerable children and building livelihood resilience in their families" ZAMFAM South Central Project works towards the improvement, care and resilience of vulnerable populations while supporting HIV epidemic control in Zambia. Since inception, the project has accelerated children’s HIV/AIDS treatment initiatives, geared...


Our approach to education is to create a space for Students of all ages to be the drivers and navigators of their own training, in a collective setting where studying both together and individually go hand in hand.


The DAPP Mkushi College of Education is a pre-service teacher training college that equips the student teachers with the skills that allow them to provide quality, child centred learning. The student teachers are trained to have a perspective of desiring to have every child succeed and make the school become a centre for community development. In...
Street children are some of the most vulnerable children on the planet, with no adult love, care and protection. They face a daily struggle for food, shelter and other needs, while in danger of abuse and exploitation, being recruited into gangs and becoming addicted to drugs. Street children are children who depend on the streets for their...

Clothes and Shoes

Our used clothes programme creates a win-win for a sustainable future: ‘new’ clothes for those who buy them; the creation of many worthwhile jobs in distribution and retail; in selling for re-use, and a significant reduction in the carbon emissions connected with manufacture.


The revenue DAPP raises from the sale of second hand clothes and shoes supports development projects. DAPP has 37 shops operating in all the 10 Provinces of Zambia. In 2021 created employment for 412 people. The shops further yielded benefits through employment in the informal second hand clothing business, which is crucial in providing a modest means of...