The project has recorded a total of 45,835 from 34,305 increase in pupil’s enrolment as at October 2016. The increase in enrolment rates is attributed to the various project interventions such as the enhancement of the learning environment, improving water points, provision of support in form of teaching and learning materials. Further, all the 160 targeted Community Schools from the European Union community schools enhancement project are now receiving support from the Ministry of General Education. Government has also recognized 58 Community Schools to be upgraded to primary schools and deployed 123 teachers to deliver quality education to these community schools. The project has also constructed 197 single san plate latrines in 86 Community Schools.
The project empowered community school committees with trainings on income generating activities with topics such as improved farming methods, business entrepreneurship lessons, constructing raised goat house, regular dipping, savings and of construction improved chicken shelters.The project facilitated the establishment of 102 Saving Clubs. The EU community schools enhancement project is meant to enhance quality of life through providing quality education for poor and vulnerable children in Northern, Muchinga and Central Provinces.