DAPP Zambia is from today the 1st of July 2021 responsible for oversight of the Self Help Group Approach, which is a programme developed and funded by Kindernothilfe. It is implemented by 12 Promotion Organisations, which are local Civic Society Organisations.
The Self Help Group Approach focuses on unleashing human potential through organizing women in Self Help Groups of 15 to 20 members, enabling them to support one another, establish internal saving and lending groups, discuss and find solutions to problems affecting them as individuals and/ or communities. The project further links the Self Help Groups to external support structures.
The women select two representatives from 8 to 10 groups to form a Cluster Level Associations. The women again identify two representatives from 8 or more Cluster Level Associations to form a Federation.
The overall Goal is improved quality of life for marginalised women and children through the SHG Approach.
By end of December 2020 the programme had 2,297 Self Help Groups, 105 Cluster Level Associations and 3 Federation, with 38,250 women engaged.