DAPP Zambia, through the Human Rights in Correctional Facilities project, has since 2015 been contributing towards efforts of the Zambia Correctional Services to rehablilitate and reintergrate inmates into society to effectively contribute to social and economic growth.


The project strengthens government response systems to enhance rehabilitation of inmates as a mechanism to ultimately reduce reoffending, help mitigate overcrowding in facilities, and restoring dignity for former inmates.

Currently, the project operates in two adult facilities in Northern Province supporting 875 inmates and in three Child Rehabiliation Centres in Southern and Copperbelt Provinces supporting 210 child  offenders.

Rehabilitation interventions in the facilties include forming peer support systems such as “trios” in mitigating health challenges among inmates, supporting skills, literacy and vocational skills training, as well as improving hygiene, water and sanitation facilities and nutrition through gardening.

In communities, reintegration involves engaging communities to raise awareness against stigma of former inmates, strengthening systems for victim reconciliation and establishing/ strengthening cooperatives for former inmates to support each after discharge. 

Between 2019 and 2023, the European Union funded these activities in 6 adult facilites in Southern, Central, Muchinga and Luapula provinces onf Zambia.

The results from the project showed improved rehabilitation as key in reducing reoffending amonst former inmates as shown below:




  • 2,605 adults & 318 juveniles reached with services every year (2017 to date)
  • 26,896 community members reached
  • 32 cooperatives established, with 464 former inmates provided with transitional support.
  • 771 family/victim reconciliatory meetings
  • 794 inmates supported in vocational skills and academic learning.
  • 382 child offenders conveyed to rehabilitation centers.


Project Fullname: Human Rights in Correctional Facilities

Principal Partner(s):  European Union (2019 – 2023) and the Child Welfare Fund

Other Partner(s): Government line ministries, Humana People to People (HPP)

Location: Kasama and Luwingu districts for adults. Kazungula (Katombora Reformatory School) Mazabuka (Nakambala Approved School) and Ndola (Insakwe Approved School)