tctb projectsTuberculosis is curable, yet it is responsible for thousands of deaths and tens of thousands of illnesses in Zambia every year.

DAPP has always integrated TB interventions in the fight against HIV under the TCE Program (hyperlink to TCE Project). However, the TC-TB is a dedicated project working towards improving case finding of TB, uptake of TB preventive treatment (TPT), as well as uptake and completion of TB treatment among vulnerable populations, especially inmates in correctional facilities and children.

In Lusaka, the project is working towards reducing TB incidences and related mortality among children in three high-risk sub districts of Lusaka, Chawama, Matero and Chipata). We are finding children who have been exposed to TB or have active TB.

Our trained TC-TB Field Officers;

  • Visit people with TB at home and give TB information
  • Make follow-ups in the households to screen contacts of people living with TB
  • Test all the eligible children and link them to treatment.
  • Sensitize the parents of the children on treatment to ensure they adhere to treatment

With funding from Stop TB Partnership, we helped upgrade the radiology departments at Chawama and First Level Hospitals with two Digital X-Ray machines to improve TB detection among children.

We have trained doctors, radiographers, lab technicians and in chest clinics and mother child health departments to provide systematic Under Five children screening for TB and refer those malnourished or with symptoms to chest clinic.  


Project Fullname: Total Control of TB, TC-TB

Principal Partner(s): Stop TB Partnership

Other Partner(s): Ministry of Health, Humana People to People, HPP

Location: Lusaka district (Chawama, Matero and Chipata Compounds for children)


KEY FIGURES (May 2023 to today)

  • 418 children (0-14years) linked to TB treatment
  • 1,868 children linked to TB prevention treatment, TPT
  • 2,112 adults linked to TB treatment
  • 6,562 adults linked to TB prevention treatment, TPT